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collab | catte latte: a haikyuu fan-cookbook

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CATTE LATTE is a Haikyuu fanbook collection of recipes, illustrations, and fanfictions based on the concept of cat cafés, or just cats and cafés. 29 recipes will see the chefs’ unique twists on both foods and drinks you may expect to see in cafés, accompanied by unique illustrations. Included are also some high-sugar fanfictions and plenty more illustrations to keep you cozy during your stay. This project includes canon and canon-divergent content!

PDFs will be sent via email within 48 hours of purchase.

→ cookbook • 7x9" full color, approx. 80 pages, wire-bound, cover by etcetera
→ 2x vinyl sticker sheet • 4x7" by ichi, 4x6" by aurora maeno
→ 1x vinyl sticker • 3" by ryu
→ 3x polaroids • 3.5x4.2" by popy, osu, and etcetera
→ 1x pvc coaster • 4x4" by krispy
→ 1x microfiber hand towel • 32*32cm by luna
→ 1x sticky notepad • 4x3" by mii

AlicexSora ✦ AlicexSora | Cate ✦ Cate | kiichi ✦ kiichi | Leon Deity ✦ Leon Deity | MiraHelian ✦ MiraHelian

kitouma ✦ kitouma | tookumade ✦ tookumade | tres ✦ tres

Alessa ✦ Alessa | Andy ✦ Andy | Aster! ✦ Aster! | Aurora Maeno ✦ Aurora Maeno | avenoirn ✦ avenoirn | Etcetera ✦ Etcetera | helenpeanut ✦ helenpeanut | Ichi ✦ Ichi | Jokerita ✦ Jokerita | krispy ✦ krispy | leaf ✦ leaf | Luna ✦ Luna | may ✦ may | mii ✦ mii | Mookie ✦ Mookie | osu ✦ osu | pau ✦ pau | popy ✦ popy | Ria ✦ Ria | ryu ✦ ryu | YUKINNNNNNN ✦ YUKINNNNNNN